Thursday, February 10, 2011

Turbo C/C++ does work on Windows 7!!

Yes, Turbo C does work on Windows 7 but only on the 32 bit version. Turbo C is a 16-bit program and unfortunately, Microsoft dropped 16-bit application support for Windows 7 64-bit. However, there are many ways to make it work on the 64-bit version. Before going into the details, I would to advice every beginner that Turbo C is not a good IDE and it is very outdated by today's standards. You may start with it but don't stick to it for a long time. The sooner you look into other IDEs the better it is!

To make Turbo C/C++ work:

Step 1: Download Turbo C from the following link:

Note: You'll need a software like 7 zip to extract archive.

Step 2: Determine whether you have Windows 32-bit or 64-bit: To do that goto Start->Right click on Computer->Properties
You'll get the  following window:

You can easily view the required information in the system type (Marked in Yellow).

Step 3:
  • If you have 32-bit version simple extract the zip archive you downloaded in say C:\. You can then simply use TurboC by executing C:\TC\bin\TC.exe

Step 4: Install DOSBox, it is a simple self-explanatory installation. Make sure you extracted the zip archive in C:\

Step 5: Goto: Start->All Programs->DOSBox-0.74->Options->DOSBox 0.74 Options
A configuration file will open, place the following lines at the end of the file:
mount d c:\tc
cd bin

  • Now save the file: File Menu->Save or, Ctrl+S.
Step 6: Start DOSBox from your desktop, TurboC will start automatically in DOSBox:

That's all for the setup and now somethings that you should know:
  • You can enter full screen mode by pressing Alt+Enter however, full screen mode may not work properly in some cases. If you notice any anomaly switch back to windowed mode.
  • Don't use TurboC shortcuts because some of the TurboC shortcuts coincide with the DOSBox ones. Such coincidence may lead to unwanted anomalies.
  • C:\ is being emulated as D:\ so, save everything you do in TurboC within the D: drive. After you close the program all data will be saved in C: itself. Simply put, C: will be shown as D: in DOSBox.
This process may seem a bit advance to newbies but it is fairly simple just do as written. Feel free to post you problems in the comment section below.

Note: You may want to try out better IDEs like DevC++ and MS Visual Studio etc, just an advice.

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